A Basic Set Up of Search API in Drupal

Published Jun 12, 2023
Updated Jun 12, 2023
By Simon
Table of contents

In this article, we will look at Search API and Facets modules. This truly smart combination allows you to set up a versatile search and filter comparable to any major online marketplace. We will first look at why you may want to add Search API and then look at a basic setup. I will wrap up with some add-on modules that will be covered in a future article.

Why use Search API?

The basic search module that comes with Drupal is great. It is added to your site at installation, it is easy to use and provides good search results. Even though Search API is a replacement for the core search module, the reason I usually add it and possibly a more common reason, you will want better search and filtering or faceted search in your views. In this article, we will be looking at a basic set-up of Search API and then look at some more advanced Search API features which will then be discussed in another article. Even though you can use other search platforms, such as Solr, to index and search your content, using the Drupal backend and database is sufficient for most use cases. So now we know why you may want to use Search API and that we can use the Drupal database, let's set up it.

Setting Up Search API


Add the Search API modules to the modules directory of your Drupal site or use the UI to do this for you. I will mention here that it is now recommended to use Composer to add modules to your site. If you are unsure of the process please check installing Drupal modules on this site. #Using Composer to Install a Module (CKEditor 5)

Add Search API 

  • 47,399 sites report using Search API module at the time of writing

Once the module is added, visit the extend page and install the below modules by checking the check box and clicking the install button at the bottom of the page.

  • Search API
  • Database Search
  • Database Search Defaults
install search API module on extend page

If you like you can install Facet Module now too.
Facet Module


After you have installed Search API, visit the Search API configuration page.

Manage >  Configuration Search and metadata > Search API

search api dashboard with default settings for server and index

You will see that a Database server and Index have been set up. This is because you used the Database Search Default module.

The Database Server uses the Drupal database which is perfect for most use cases. However, if you have a large site you may want to use an external 3rd party search index.

You can check out the Database Server and Default content index that was set up if you like but since we used the Database Search Default module we don't really need to for now so let's continue with building a view.

Building a View to Display Your Content

Adding a View for Your Search API Data

Building a view using a search index is no different from building a standard content view except you need to show Index Default content index and then use the index fields. If you haven't used Views you can check my article on that where I run through view basics.

To create a view visit the view page and click Add view.

Manage > Structure > View


  • Click Add View.
add new view configuration form
  • Fill in the Add View from.
  • View Basic information.
    • View name.
  • View Settings.
    • Show - Index Default content index.
  • Check Create a Page.
    • Modify page settings to your liking.
  • Save and edit

Add Fields to Your View

  • Add field Content datasource - this is the same as Content in the normal view.
    • Add Title (indexed field) for now.
  • Add Filter for Content Type if you want or for something else.
  • Click Save

You’ll notice that there is no content. In another tab open the Search API page again. On the Search API page, we need to go to the Default content index page where you will see the Run Index button. We could have run this before but I wanted to illustrate that the data isn't available until it is indexed. 

Return to the Search API page

Manage >  Configuration Search and metadata > Search API

  • Click on Default content index
  • Click Index Now

Now check your view and you will see we have results. Now go back to the Index page and visit the fields tab.

Adding fields to the Index

Let's add the fields we know we will want to use as filters. also for facet

  • Select the field tab
  • Click Add Fields

All fields are available as content datasource but if you want to use the field as a filter or facet you need to add it here.

After clicking Add Fields a dialog module will open.
Use the Add button to add the fields you want to show as indexed fields.

  • Once you have added the fields you want, Click Done

Clicking done will close the dialog and the field(s) will have been added to the table in the content section.
I like to suffix the Label with Facet for any field I want to use for filtering or facet.
Also, make sure that the type is correct.
Personally, I haven't need to update the machine name as the system automatically does this for you by adding _1 to the field machine name and this works for me.

content field with facet suffix in content index UI
  • Make any changes you want to the field in the content.
  • Click Save Changes

These become indexed fields when used in Views and can be used for filtering and facets. So with the fields added let got back to the view.

Now go back and Edit the View

Add the Fields you want to use in the View

Add the fields you want to use in the view and any that you want to use to filter on.

They have the name you added with the suffix and (indexed field) in parenthesis I.e. Bedroom Facet (indexed field)

add datasource indexed field to your Seach API view
  • Click Add and configure fields
    • Configuring a field is the same as normal.
    • After each click Apply and Continue.
    • On the last one click Apply and then Save the view.

Now you’ll have a view of the data in the Preview ready to theme.

I won’t cover themeing here as it is the same as views theming and you will have your own way to do this depending on the use case.

You may want to Add a Sort to your View

Authored On is good with desc. to put the latest items at the top.

  • Click Add next to the Sort Criteria section title.
  • Check the field(s) for sort and Click Apply (all displays)
    Note: You can Apply only to This page (override). You do this at the top of the Add sort criteria modal using the For dropdown.
  • Configure the sort and Apply.

Rearrange the sort if you have a few sorts. To do this use the dropdown next to the Add button we use above and click Rearrange.

Now add the Main filter exposed

For this, I am filtering on the type. The other fields I added I will be using as facets.

  • Click Add next to the Filter Criteria section title.
  • Add the field(s) you want.
    They should have the suffix Facet appended from when you add the fields to the index.
    Note: The same applies to filters you can add to all displays or for this page override.
  • Click Apply.

The configure modal will then open

  • Check Expose this filter to visitors.
  • Use the default settings.
    • Maybe you'll want to change:
      • Label
      • Filter identifier
  • Click Apply.

By default, the filtering uses the word Apply on the button. You can change this to any word you like in the Advanced settings of the view in the Exposed form section.

  • Clicking on the Settings link.
  • Modify the Submit button text.
  • Click Apply
  • Save the view again.

Your view should now show the filter at the top with the view items below.

Detach the Filter and add it as a Block

Before we add some facets I am going to detach the filter. This may not be necessary but I want to add the facets under the filter. To detach the filter follow the steps below.

On the display configuration UI find the Exposed form in block: No in the Advance section.

  • Click No
  • Select Yes
  • Save

Now the Filter has disappeared.

Add it to the region you want on the Block Layout page

Manage > Structure > Block Layout

The block with have a name Exposed form: view-name-page_#
Add to the region you want it in.

  • Click Place Block next to the region you want to place it in.
  • Search for your exposed form block.

    the UI ofr placing a block in Drupal, exposed filter example.
  • Click Place Block
  • Configure Block
    This is where you can restrict visibility to the path of your view page.
  • Save block

Now check your view again, the filter is back on the page where you want it.

Now let's add some facets.

Adding Facets to Your Search

As we have already discussed and prepared, you need to have the Indexed Fields for the facets to work. You'll also need to have the Facet module installed.

Install Facets if you haven't already and then visit the Facets configuration page.

Manage > Configuration Search and metadata > Facets

  • Click Add Facet
    • Select the source: the view you want to use
    • Select the field.
    • Leave the machine name as is.
    • Leave the title as is field facet.
  • Click Save
  • Choose a Widget
basic widget options availabe with standard install of facet modules
  • Check over the setting for the Widget.
  • Check over the Facet setting.

There are a lot of settings here but one I will point out is for using a dropdown select menu. You need to check the option otherwise you will get weird functionality as it is possible to select more than one option. Check the below option in case you are using drop-downs.

facet dropdown widget settings warning message
facet settings to enforce single-result
The option to display only one result is found in the facet settings


  • Check Ensure that only one result can be displayed

Other settings are varied so I suggest you get familiar with them. The settings include being able to use the label instead of the key and adding a list of your own key|label pairs to combining facets and hide certain results.

I suggest you check over the option per facet as each widget has different settings.

Another setting that I check for set-up is Show title of facet.
I like to have the title show & the label have the same name.

At the bottom, you have Facet sorting and Advanced settings. You can leave these for now and come back and adjust if need be.

  • Click Save

Now you have a facet you need to add to your page. You do this on the block layout management page.

Add the Facet to your page

To add the facet to your view page you add it as a block in the region you want it to display. See the block section above for where you do this. This is where the title comes in handy(more so if you are cloning a facet which we will discuss in a future article). For the use case we have just built I think that good UX is having the facet under the main filter. This is the reason I detached the main exposed filter when setting it up.

After adding the facet block to the region under the exposed filter check the block configuration by visiting the view again.
Remove the title if need be. This is done using the contextual menu and configuring the block.

contextual menu for a facet block in Drupal

Repeat to add other facets.

In the end, you may also need to change the name of the facet. This won’t change the machine name so it is okay to do.

You can do this using the contextual menu again but use the Edit facet option. Then on the facet setting tab, you can change the name.

Why would I want to change the name of the facet?

When creating the facet you probably name the field with a simple name such as Price but the Price is actually in yen for example. So it may make sense to change the name of the facet to Price ¥ or Floor Size sqm.

Final Tweaks and Troubleshooting

After setting up Search API you will need to test. I have had times when adding new content doesn't always get indexed straight away. Even when you have checked index items immediately in the index options section on the edit page of your content index.

select entities for datasource on the index UI
restrict to certain bundle for your index


There may be many things that could cause this and even a flush of the cache might fix it. That said, I suggest you check over the settings on the edit page and make the settings as specific as you can. You may need to play around and continuously tweak this to get it right.


In this article, we have looked at setting up a basic view using the Search API. Search API is a powerful module that you may want to use if you require better search and filtering capabilities than what is offered by the core Search Module.

Search API is a powerful addition to your Drupal site but if you are new to it you will have to test it and refine it to get working right.

I hope this article has been helpful to you. If you would like to learn more about Drupal and how you can leverage it to build and power awesome web applications then be sure to sign up for my newsletter below. I write about Drupal and front-end development and design.

Thanks for dropping by and until next time, have a great day!

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